Monday, October 13, 2008

What more do you need?

Obama made a big announcement today on his website. With North Carolina very much in play, Obama rolled out the biggest endorsement he could get. Check it out:

Join Dean and Linnea Smith in supporting Barack

There is a point in every contest when sitting on the sidelines is not an option. Coach Smith and Linnea Smith are urging North Carolinians to get involved at this crucial moment.

If you believe America needs to set a new course, then the time to join us is now. Get involved with Barack Obama's Campaign for Change by knocking on doors and talking to your neighbors about how Barack Obama and Joe Biden will bring the change we need.

Ben Smith wrote that this endorement may not help Obama with the Duke fans. I want to remind him that those fans were already voting Republican.


Eric said...

UNC fans will vote Obama. Duke fans will vote McCain. NC State fans probably haven't heard about the election.

Anonymous said...

Why ever would Duke fans vote for McCain? I mean, who are the elite northern transplants and who are the townies around here, anyway?