Sunday, August 24, 2008

Convention bound

Tomorrow is the one-month mark since I last wrote. Some interesting things in the political world, as well as in my life (more dog pictures) have happened. I'm not going to attempt to catch up. Instead, I'll pretend the absence never happened and pick up where I left off.

I choose tomorrow because I am leaving for Denver to go to the convention. I will not have a computer, so I'm not sure what my access will be, but every opportunity I have with an internet connection will be spent blogging. I'm looking forward to it and to writing about it, so please check back in.


Anonymous said...

Have fun Thin Man. How do you like the VP choice? I think I'm pretty satisfied with it. I still wish Jim Webb would have let himself be vetted. I wonder what was going on there? Anyhow, a safe choice with Biden. I've always admired him and his way he communicates. Talk about "straight talk," his is for REAL.

Anonymous said...

Bobby! Welcome back mate!