Friday, May 16, 2008

McCain is still yapping

I really don't understand the logic here. John McCain has responded to Obama's comments by repeating what he said yesterday -- Obama is not fit to defend the country. He said, "American people have every reason to doubt whether he has the strength, judgment and determination to keep us safe." I guess the idea is to continue to label Obama as unpatriotic and to put the question out there about his ability to defend the nation. But in the process of labeling Obama, McCain is ruining any remaining credibility on the "maverick" front. It seems that he thinks it is worth it because he keeps hammering away at this point.

It doesn't make sense to me. I think Obama was right today to welcome an argument on foreign policy with McCain.

The argument is made more bizarre by the fact it's not McCain's argument, it's Bush's. I suppose I should be licking my chops like all the other Democrats, but I just can't figure out what Bush-McCain are up to.

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