Monday, January 7, 2008


Over at Horse's Mouth, Sargent reported that in his first New York Times column, Bill Kristol falsely attributed a quote to Michelle Malkin. The quote, according to Sargent, was actually from Michael Medved. In fact, Sargent pointed out that Malkin herself has reported on Kristol's inaccuracy.

Many people on the left, including me, have gone crazy over the idea of allowing a neocon like Kristol into the pages of the Times. For those who don't know how awful Kristol can be, check out his comments in his column about Obama's win in Iowa:

We don’t want to increase the scope of the nanny state, we don’t want to undo the good done by the appointments of John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, and we really don’t want to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory in Iraq.

But before everyone pulls their hair out, it's worth reading Jack Shafer's piece about Kristol's hiring. I'm still mad, but Shafer calmed me down a bit.

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