Thursday, October 9, 2008

Right response

The video going around today is of an interview Obama gave to ABC during which he addressed McCain's recent attacks on his character, particularly his ties to William Ayers. Obama's response: "Say it to my face." This afternoon on the campaign trail, Biden echoed that message, telling an audience in Missouri, "John McCain could not bring himself to look Barack OBama in the eye and say the same things to him." He added, "Well in my neighborhood, when you've got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him!"

Greg Sargent wrote that Obama is trying to bait McCain into taking him on at next week's debate. My guess is that that would be good strategy. Obama certainly is prepared in case that happens and would be ready with a sharp response. It's also smart politics. It's the anti-Dukakis, anti-Kerry way of doing things. The response to these attacks is "Bring it on!" Obama has nothing to hide and he knows it. This all plays into what I think is his greatest and most underappreciated traits: he is comfortable with himself. He knows McCain has nothing on him, and he's letting people know that.

Oh, and telling a crowd in a red state that you are ready for a fist fight is probably smart strategy, too.

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