Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Negative campaigning

Hillary Clinton may be spending her time in Texas, but that doesn't mean she's giving up Wisconsin. She's on the air criticizing Obama for not agreeing to debate. Going negative hurt her before when she twisted his words about Republicans and when her husband compared Obama to Jesse Jackson, but an ad criticizing Obama for being all talk and no substance might convince voters to think twice about Obama.


Anonymous said...

The only reason she wants to debate is because it's free airtime. She'd probably agree to a one-on-one with Kucinich right now.

Anonymous said...

They've had 18 frickin debates...what more can we learn from these two?

Strategically, it's a tough call for the O campaign. You're probably never going to "beat" HRC in a debate. And you risk the possibility of making a gaffe. But, you don't want to seem like a chicken. I don't know?